
“La Vida Útil de Pillo Polilla” (the useful life of Pillo the moth) took to the stage at Teatro de La Ciudad June 19.


Pillo Polilla is a paper-devouring moth who lives in a library, where he spends his days happily chewing through the bountiful collection of books. But then Pillo learns to read. And life for the moth turns upside-down.

Pillo finds magic in the world of literature -- everything from Twenty Million Leagues under the Sea to the poetry of Pablo Neruda. But his discovery causes him angst. What does a paper moth eat, if not books? He ventures out of the library on a quest to discover the meaning of his own existence.

The result is a prize-winning theatrical production, told through puppets and actors. La Vida Útil de Pillo Polilla (the useful life of Pillo the Moth) is an adaptation of the novel by Vivian Mansour Manzur, a writer whose witty plots and sense of humor have earned her two prestigious literary awards in Mexico. Lourdes Aguilera (pictured at right) adapted, produced and directed the stage production. The Association of Mexican theatre Critics judged the show to be “Best Children’s Work” in 2006.